Can you go a day without music? It’s not a challenge just a thought. I tried to do this but it drove me crazy about 1 hour in. I love music and have surrounded myself with so many genres that it makes me appreciate it as much as anybody appreciates breathing. I need it in my happiest times and my darkest times. Everything from Frank Sinatra to Foo Fighters, Spanish rock to classical music, the only thing I can’t listen for too long is country. Although I am a fan of Johnny Cash and other country legends. There is something about the instruments, lyrics, story telling, so much goes into a song especially if it has heart. I played the trumpet back in the day and always remembered what it took to make music. Practice, passion, and patience. To get better you have to learn your notes, breathing techniques, hear the song in your head, etc. Once you get it all together, it is a symphony of success. You don’t have to be an expert musician to be grateful for music because it lives in everybody. Not everyone needs an instrument or perfect voice, they can clap their hands, hum their favorite tune, and go by the beat of their heart. So if you can go a day without music, remember that it will never escape you because it lives within you. Now is a good time to learn that instrument you always wanted to play, get voice lessons, fill your brain with new knowledge about music and it could bring out your calling if you haven’t found it yet. Never doubt yourself or give up because you don’t turn into a pro right away, it takes practice to find your passion then comes patience to get better every day.