It’s been awhile since I have blogged and I apologize for that but right when I wanted to get to it, this whole COVID-19 happened. Just me luck right? Whatever! So let’s be honest and talk about being at home or are you already out and about? No judgement here. Yes I have to still go grocery shopping and put gas in my car but I take precautions with my mask on. It really sucks to see how reality just changed like that! You still see people without them and I’m not one of those brave souls that call them out. I’m like, just let them be and get out of my way because I forgot the milk. What are your thoughts? write me at [email protected] I would be great to hear from you. I’m married and we have a 4 year old who does drive us crazy from time to time but this pandemic is teaching me more patience every day. We try to go out for a drive around town so that we don’t get cabin fever, grab an ice cream at a drive-thru somewhere, then head home. What else can we do? Activities at home? Movie nights? Thanks for hearing me rant but I will get better at blogging so stay tuned.
You can find me @chicosuaveradio on FB, Twitter, and IG anytime
Stay safe.