The Love Coach Matthew Hussey told Cosmopolitan his advice to stop wasting your time with the wrong guy:
Reject duds more quickly
Be open to meeting new people, but if you see signs that a guy may take you for granted or act selfishly, then bail ASAP. In a word: Next.
Ask tough questions
He may seem perfect but also want different things than you do. Find out by having serious conversations about your values early on.
Don’t overlook the bad stuff
The sex is fire, but he’s controlling. It’s not just who our partner is at their best but also who they are at their worst that defines the relationship.
Show yourself some love
The more you enjoy your own company, create your own adventures, and treat yourself like a best friend, the less willing you’ll be to accept lame behavior.
Some things to think about while either in your current relationship or starting to date again.