Category Archives: Blogs



When you get pulled over there’s one of two things that must go through your mind. One, what do I do? Am I going to jail? and Two, maybe I can get out of this but what excuse should I use? I’m a bad liar so this has never worked for me but check out…MORE

Win a 2 Night Stay!

Win a 2 Night Stay!

All week long win a 2 night stay at any Red Roof Inn just listen to The Interactive 5@5 for your chance to call in, text in, and connect with us on FB Twitter IG @kobfm to get away from it all. Good luck! Red Roof is the best economical hotel choice for summer travel!…MORE

Uber Delivery

Uber Delivery

In a fast paced world we live in, why not just pay somebody else to do the dirty work while we sit back and not worry about one more thing like driving. I understand, time is priceless, you have other things or people that occupy most of your schedule so if you need food from…MORE

Adele not getting younger?

Adele not getting younger?

While celebrating her 29th birthday, one of my favorite artist Adele, thought it would be funny to dress up like an elderly woman. When I saw the photos I couldn’t help but laugh and really give props to this amazing woman. That’s the way you have to look at changes in life, especially when it…MORE

Who’s crushing on you at work?

Who’s crushing on you at work?

The dating app Feeld now can help you find out who your crush is at work. What about that saying, don’t poop where you eat? Do workplace romances still exist and do they last? I believe you can meet that special someone at your job because you spend a lot of time together, helping one…MORE

Brow Art is here…leave the sharpie!

Brow Art is here…leave the sharpie!

How does the saying go, “Never trust someone with bad eyebrows?” Now you can change up the game by enhancing your eyebrows. You know, put some glitter, style them, or even put highlights…maybe not that last one. Have you heard of Brow Art? Below you’ll find a few examples but check out more on this…MORE

Do you Tweet?

Do you Tweet?

To this day, I’m still trying to figure out how to master Twitter. I slowly get the basics, 140 character limit, no need to spell everything out, and everybody is a critic, for everything you might say. So beware of getting yourself an account and take some advice from this trending Tweet #AdviceForPeopleJoiningTwitter Here are my…MORE




Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Takes Flight: Embrace the Sky! Get ready for a spectacle unlike any other! The 52nd annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, powered by ExxonMobil, is about to paint the New Mexico skies with vibrant colors and awe-inspiring shapes. This year’s theme, “Embrace the Sky,” promises an unforgettable experience for all ages. A…

Bernalillo County Launches Automated Speed Enforcement

Bernalillo County Launches Automated Speed Enforcement

Bernalillo County has started issuing citations through its new automated speed enforcement cameras. Drivers caught speeding will face a $100 fine, which can be reduced to $25 by completing four hours of community service with the BernCo Clean Team. Camera Locations: Northbound and Southbound: Isleta Boulevard: Montrose Place to Arenal Road (northbound)Isleta Boulevard: Brother Road…

15 Steps To Break Up With Someone The Right Way

15 Steps To Break Up With Someone The Right Way

Read the entire article at ( Breaking up is never easy, but doing it the right way can make a world of difference for both parties involved. Here are 15 steps to help you navigate this difficult process with care and respect. Breaking up is tough, but handling it with care and respect can help…