Category Archives: Blogs



It sucks getting your card declined, especially if the cashier or waiter insist that they ran it a few times to be sure. I get embarrassed and hope that I have some cash on me because I don’t wanna wash any dishes. This guy in Santa Ana, California reacted a little bit differently while trying…MORE

Left Behind…in my Uber

Left Behind…in my Uber

All experiences with Uber so far have been successful and without a weird story. Don’t worry, I’ll still give it some time. I like to talk to the drivers about their craziest experiences and they gladly share the messes they have to clean up, sloppy make-out sessions they’ve witnessed, plus the treasures some leave behind.…MORE

Carlos & Kiki chat w/ Charo from DWTS!

Carlos & Kiki chat w/ Charo from DWTS!

Carlos & Kiki chat w/ Charo from Dancing with the Stars about her experiences on the show & touch on her past w/ “The Love Boat” tv show. #KOBFM #DWTS #TheLoveBoat #CharoMORE



There is someone somewhere out there who needs some healing of a broken heart. It could be caused by a break up, loss in the family, or whatever tragedy that may strike to cause such pain. There is healing, there is power in what an individual can to do just by reaching out their helping…MORE

Get your Girl Scout Cookies online?

Get your Girl Scout Cookies online?

I don’t know if this defeats the whole purpose of selling Girl Scout Cookies or not but now you can get your favorite seasonal treats on-line but a Girl Scout Spokesperson is not too thrilled about it. Check out what they had to say and a chance for you to still get those delicious cookies hereMORE

Strongest coffee?

Strongest coffee?

What’s going on this weekend at the Southwest Chocolate and Coffee Fest? We had Death Wish Coffee Company in studio to tell us about their strong and I mean strong coffee.MORE

Please and Thank You!

Please and Thank You!

We shouldn’t have to wait for a special day to show some common courtesy. Saying please, thank you, and even holding a door open, can start a positive trend with those around you. Instead of being in a rush, stop and help somebody out, it’s sure to change not only your mood but theirs as…MORE



Win a $30 gift certificate to Fallout Trampoline Arena all week long inside The Interactive 5@5 We will be taking caller number 9, text to win, and all over social media to get you hooked up. Good luck!MORE




Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Takes Flight: Embrace the Sky! Get ready for a spectacle unlike any other! The 52nd annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, powered by ExxonMobil, is about to paint the New Mexico skies with vibrant colors and awe-inspiring shapes. This year’s theme, “Embrace the Sky,” promises an unforgettable experience for all ages. A…

Bernalillo County Launches Automated Speed Enforcement

Bernalillo County Launches Automated Speed Enforcement

Bernalillo County has started issuing citations through its new automated speed enforcement cameras. Drivers caught speeding will face a $100 fine, which can be reduced to $25 by completing four hours of community service with the BernCo Clean Team. Camera Locations: Northbound and Southbound: Isleta Boulevard: Montrose Place to Arenal Road (northbound)Isleta Boulevard: Brother Road…

15 Steps To Break Up With Someone The Right Way

15 Steps To Break Up With Someone The Right Way

Read the entire article at ( Breaking up is never easy, but doing it the right way can make a world of difference for both parties involved. Here are 15 steps to help you navigate this difficult process with care and respect. Breaking up is tough, but handling it with care and respect can help…